

和寂寞有染 2025-02-27 香港日常 501 次浏览 0个评论
玉石种类繁多,包括和田玉、翡翠(硬软两种)、独山石等。其中以新疆的和阗白玉最为珍贵;缅甸的宝石级翠绿为上品之选;“南阳”之称的中国河南“四大名旦”(蓝松)之一——岫岩碧也备受青睐。“寿星”、“观音”、 “佛像”“如意头 ” 等传统雕刻题材在各种材质中都有出现 。 此外还有现代创新设计如动物造型 、人物形象以及抽象艺术作品等等 ,展现出自然之美与人文精神相结合的艺术魅力 .

: 在浩瀚的自然界中,有一种物质以其独特的温润光泽、千变万化的色彩和深厚的文化内涵而备受人们喜爱与追捧——那就是玉,自古以来,“石之美者”便是对其最贴切的描述之一。《礼记》有云:“君子比德于金曰‘仁’,…… 比之于美质则日:‘知’。”可见古人早已将“以器载道”、“借物言志”,通过赏玩不同种类的宝玉来寄托自己的情感和精神追求视为一种高雅的生活方式。“工必有其技,材必有其实”,本文旨在为您呈现一个关于世界各地主要及特色鲜明的各类天然宝石(尤其是作为传统意义上的"软宝",如翡翠)的大全概览及其独特之处;让我们一同走进这五彩斑斓的世界里去感受那份来自大自然深处的静谧力量吧!一. 中国四大名贵硬料: 1.**新疆白玉(羊脂白):其质地细腻纯净无瑕且呈半透明状或微透状态;色泽温暖如同初雪覆盖下的草原般柔和纯正;“色若凝霜”“油性十足”;尤其珍贵的是那些经过千万年风化后形成皮壳包裹着内部晶莹剔透露出的老坑籽儿更显尊荣非凡! 2**. 和田碧玺: * 主要产自中国青海省格尔木市附近地区以及俄罗斯等地区它拥有丰富多样颜色从浅绿到墨黑不等其中又尤数翠绿色最为罕见因其含有铬元素故而得名并具有极高收藏价值被誉为 “东方祖母緑”。 3\. 老红玛瑙:\n\t- 产地广泛但品质上乘多见于内蒙古巴林右旗等处;\nlivid green hues that transition into deep reds or browns over time giving them a unique charm and warmth.\l4 .独山青花:\\ \ntypically found in the Dushan region of China characterized by its distinctive black speckles scattered throughout white jade creating an elegant yet mysterious appearance akin to watercolor paintings on silk cloth." 二.东南亚及其他区域特选佳品:" 5..缅甸抹谷蓝珀 (Burmese Ruby) :*\na rare type known for it'ssaturated blue coloration derived from trace amounts iron oxide within their composition making each piece truly one\-of-\none with exceptional luster under natural light conditions providing wearers/collectors alike unparalleled sensory experiences."\6..\泰国海螺珍珠 (\u0e9bhaisuan pearls)\\rknown primarily due to Thailand being home base production hub offering up large quantities high quality nacreous conch shells which when processed yield lustrous round beads resembling moonlight reflecting off waves at nighttime adding subtle elegance touch any outfit worn during special occasions such as weddings anniversaries etc..."\7...\越南黄龙崗水草餅 (Huong Linh Water Grass Jades):\\\nassembled through centuries old traditional techniques involving carving intricate patterns onto translucent yellowish -green stones often depicting scenes related Buddhism mythology resulting not only functional pieces but also works art worthy display case inside homes temples museums worldwide..." 三 .南美洲珍稀瑰寶:" 8 ..巴西紫水晶(\ufcbbrazilian amethyst)\nfamous around globe thanks abundance purple crystals mined there containing microscopic inclusions quartz fibers producing striking chatoyant effect especially noticeable cut properly allowing users feel like holding small universe hands.." 四 、非洲大陆獨具魅力之作:「 ................................................................................」

